The Descendants’ Forum: “So Many Miracles” a 1987 Documentary by Saul Rubinek about visiting his Parents’ Polish Hiding Place

        Saul Rubinek, was born in Föhrenwald Displaced Persons Camp outside of Munich, Germany, the son of Frania and Israel Rubinek, Holocaust survivors from Poland. His father was a Yiddish theater actor in Poland before the war. Saul is a Canadian Actor and 2G. This documentary film was released in 1987 and shows the trip he took to Poland with his parents to visit the place and people who hid them during the Shoah. Watch the documentary before our meeting and let’s discuss. Here is the link to the documentary: We will meet via ZOOM to discuss. To receive your ZOOM link to this event before the scheduled time you must RSVP. RESERVATIONS ARE A MUST...