Support PHA
The Phoenix Holocaust Association is grateful for the ongoing support of our members, donors and volunteers. We are an entirely volunteer-run organization that receives no government funding that is sustained through private donations and foundation grants. Your past contributions have helped to pass legislation for mandatory Holocaust education in Arizona, provide luncheons for Holocaust survivors, bring renowned Holocaust speakers to the valley, and train hundreds of teachers throughout Arizona to implement Holocaust curriculum in their classrooms.
To learn more about volunteering with the Phoenix Holocaust Association
Become a Member
To become a member of the Phoenix Holocaust Association
Membership and Donation Form for Business or Non-Profit Organization
To Download Form
Make a Donation
How your generosity can help us today:
·$100 would allow for a Holocaust Survivor to be driven via a rideshare service to and from a school speaking engagement
· $250 would cover the cost of 10 Hanukkah gifts for local survivors
·$360 would subsidize speaker fees and training materials at our Annual Educators Conference
To make a donation to the Phoenix Holocaust Association
If you would like a portion of your donation applied to your yearly membership please click on become a member and you can add your donation there.
Send a Tribute Card
Mark life cycle events with Phoenix Holocaust Association’s Tribute Cards

Holiday cards with special pricing are now available so you can send personalized cards to all your family and friends.