KRISTALLNACHT: by survivor Werner Salinger
It is the earliest memory of my life in Germany, during the Nazi years, when I was six and we lived in Berlin’s center, on the corner of Uhland Strasseand Kurfuerstendammin a large second floorapartment which alsocontained my orthodontistmother’s dental practice. Ludwig Uhland, poet and lawyer,who was born, lived, and died in Tuebingen,where daughter Lynn once studied,could not possibly have imagined,as he wrote his Fatherland poems,that one day the street namedfor him would be littered withshards of broken glass fromthe shattered store frontsof the Jewish-owned businessesacross the street, so visiblefrom my second story perch. Nor could he have imaginedthe acrid smell of smokethat smothered the neighborhoodthat November day in 1938,caused by the burning of thesynagogue just a block away,the…
KRISTALLNACHT: by survivor Werner Salinger Read More »